March 2017

… our nerves are put to the test and we get many helping hands…

In March and April we get many volunteer helping hands from family and friends… Gudrun and Andreas, Reini and Vera come to visit us from Innsbruck, Gabi and Walter from Vienna and Flora (sister/daughter/aunt) come from Tübingen to help us with the urgently needed wood clearing work. The hot time will start soon and the risk of fire increases due to dry branches lying on the ground…

We get the information that according to a new zoning plan, which should come into force in 2 years, absolutely NADA can be built on our property. Unfortunately, the officials responsible did not read this document beforehand and therefore gave us false information and promises.

With the help of Cristobal we write a letter to the mayor and ask for an appointment.

After all, the Ayuntamento published our project as “interes publico” (project in the public interest) in December.

It’s quite a challenge for our nerves.

Baum mit Knospen2_klein

Luckily, the fact that our little trees seem to feel good and are beginning to bloom gives us a boost…

Baum mit Knospen

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